In the frame of the project, several webinars are planned, amongst them 3 Transversal webinars. These webinars gather stakeholders from all the 5 Pilot Sites of the project, together with InnWater partners. They offer the oportunity to address project topics, discuss specific needs, or present common tools.
The first Transversal webinar took place on Thursday 23rd November 2023, in the afternoon.
The objectives of this webinar were to:
-have first exchanges between InnWater partners and Pilot sites stakeholders at a project level, on the challenges and expectations related to water governance and to the project;
-introduce the work ongoing on water governance assessment, since the result of this work will include a tool that will be tested in some Pilot Sites.
24 participants attended this webinar.
The presentation of each Pilot Site's challenges and expectations related to water governance, as well as some participative activities and discussions showed that, even if Pilot Sites have different local contexts, sizes and scales, they face similar water governance challenges.
Finally, after a presentation of the OECD Principles on water governance and the work ongoing under the Work Package 2 on water governance assessment, fruitful exchanges allowed for clarifications and propositions to progress on the work.
A warm thanks to all the participants!