After a first meeting introducing the project, La Réunion Pilot site held its second Community meeting on 26 April 2024 in Saint-Denis de La Réunion.
12 stakeholders from different sectors attended the meeting (agriculture, environment, health, energy..)
The aim was to take a first step towards identifying the issues on which the group will work in the frame of the InnWater project, making use (as far as possible) of economic modelling tools adapted to La Réunion.
The group highlighted the topics of governance, pollution, water uses, access to water or the need to invest in infrastructures. Other meetings will be conducted soon to consolidate this list.
Information was also given on the next General Assembly of the project, which will be held early June 2024 in La Réunion, including a Green Week Partners Event promoting exchanges between local stakeholders and project partners on water governance challenges.